How to get ripped back.
BACK EXERCISE: TOP 5 EXERCISES TO BUILD RIPPED BACK. Sorry to say but most of people only targets to there abs, chest, triceps & biceps they are neglecting the exercise for the back. Our back is the most important part of our body and also the most important part of fitness. The ripped back is targets to maintain your posture. If you are confuse for choosing the exercise for the ripped and killer back then take a look on below exercises. 1. Bent over barbell row: This is one of the best exercise for the back. Doing this exercise targets many muscles but the mainly it targets the main muscles of the back such as the latissimus dorsi and rhomboids. Pulling the barbell or weights to a height to your chest works upper back muscles but when pull it closer to your waist it will targets your mid back muscles. This will helps to correct your posture and shape of your spinal cord. 2. Weighted pull-up: This is one of the best exercise for the upper back muscles. Thi...