Top 9 core strength workout.

In the young generation the leading trend is to get slim and tender body. This young generation wants the best expert abs.

Many people thinks that sculpting abs is a complicated task but according to me it's not so much complicated. Eating well and doing proper exercise you can get the tender abs and you can also increase your core strength.

Here are some basic rules for abs friendly diet.

  1. Eat as much healthy food as possible which includes oats , egg white , salmon and etc.
  2. Main focus is on high protein intake. 
  3. Drink lots of cold water in whole day. 
  4. Avoid that food which contains the sugar. 
  5. Avoid high contain carbs food. 
  6. Never miss your breakfast.
  7. Eat lots of green leafy vegetables.
  8. Drink black coffee before workout. 
  9. Drink protein shakes. 

Top 9 core strength workout

  • Plank:
Form a straight line body with your head, back, shoulders, hips, ankles.  Put your elbow in the line of your feet and lift the toes forward. Hold on against the ground without friction.  Press your forearm firmly on the ground.
  • Russian twist:
Sit on the floor on your torso slightly leaning back , knees bend over and feet on the floor. Round your upper back little but keep your lower back straight
Twist your torso left and right by touching the floor to the ground. You may take a ball or weight on your hand.
  • Cycling:
Do cycling as much as possible every day in home or may be in gym.
  • Cardio
Do as much cardio as you can every day with machine or without machine.
  • Rope climbing:
Rope climbing is the best exercise for the core strength it focuses on your abs.
  • Hanging leg raise:
Hanging leg raise is one of the exercise for the abs. It targets on your core strength. Just hang to one of bar and bring your leg raise to the bar the leg must be straight.
  • Leg raise hold:
Get two rings for support get support with your hands and bring your leg upside such that your body makes the angle of 90 degree. Hold for some time. It targets on your core strength.
  • Skipping:
Skipping is the one of the most well known exercise for the core workout. It is one of the best exercise to loose the fat.
  • Mountain climbing
Mountain climbing is one of the most popular and important exercise or workout that focuses directly on your core strength.

For more updates follow my Instagram page fitfreeko.



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