How to boost your Immune system?

Reduce your risk of catching by cold, cough or flu by boosting your immune system for long term health.

In current status as we all know that due to corona virus our immune system get little bit affected. But don't get panic your immune system can be boost up with just some good exercises and by adding some good diet food in your daily diet plan. 

According to me boosting immunity is the essential part of our daily routine life for much more than just defence against infection.

" No matter how much medicines you take daily to boost your immune system but, We need to remember that human body is built up with an excellent intelligent immune system that solely can protest itself by an external pathogens and bacteria."    

Many of people think that boosting immune system is a very difficult task that it contains the bitter juices or tough exercises but according to me boosting your immune system it's not a big deal you just need to focus on your mind basically i just want to say "it's all in our mindset"

The immune system is comprises of the several cells types and biological system which protects against a wide variety of illness causing bacteria and pathogens which are harmful for our body. Our body has a good infact a fabulous mechanism to recover our body against any foreign particle.

So to boost your immunity/Immune system here are some ways given below.

  • Consume High Antioxidant - Based Food.
I think everyone knew that the link between the vitamin C and the cold or flu, The reason behind this is that it is an antioxidant that means it plays and important role to defeat any pathogens.

Some are Antioxidants containing food are given below.
  1.  Berries such as Blueberries, Cherries or you can take Grapes also, Grapes contains a large amount of antioxidants "it contains the compound called Resveratrol which boosts up your immune system". The best source of Resveratrol is red wine.   

  2. Dark Chocolate.

  3. Pecans are very useful to our body it targets our immune system directly. Pecans keeps our heart healthy. It is useful to loose weight, it increases the amount of good cholesterol in our body decrease the amount of bad cholesterol. It improves the digestion. It have anti-aging property.. 

  4. Artichokes 

  5. Coffee.
  6. Kidney Beans.
  7. Green tea.
  8. Apples.
  9. Green Vegetables.
  10. Vegetables such as tomatoes, and greens.
  11. Oily fish.

  • Consume more garlic in your diet.
The garlic is one of the best food to boost your immune system. It is also called also called as the "Super-foods". 

It contains the bio active compound called as allicin has and antibacterial properties which can be potentially prevents an illness and there is some evidences also that it promotes the cell death in some cancers. On testing some experiments that those who are taking garlics in their diet found that the 40 % less reported of sickness or illness, And those who are catched with the cold or flu reported they recovered 70% faster than those who are not taking Garlic in their diet.

To boost immune fast here are some Yoga asans given below

  • Run Daily at least 20 to 25 mins. 
  • Do Anuloma Viloma for 10 mins daily.
  • Perform Kapalbhati atleast 150 blows.

  • Perform Suryanamaskar atleast 10 to 12 reps.

  • Trikonasana.

  •  Standing Tadasana.

Thank you to all readers.......... 

Please Comment, Like and Share Follow my Instagram account also the link is given here Fitfreeko


  1. Good yar appreciable.
    Really you gather the useful information for awaring the public towards ,how important the immunity is?
    And ways to bring good immunity and health bye yoga and all πŸ‘ really appreciable πŸ‘ and keep it up bro...

  2. Good knowledge about food & health!.. thank you πŸ‘πŸ˜‡

  3. Informative & helpful content ..

  4. Brother keep all the letters in black color because it shows more confidence in your writing and is easier to read

    1. Usefull info in this pandemic situation to boost immunity. Thank u so much😘


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